About Me

Welcome to the inaugural post of this blog. I am writer and scientist Tim Andersen. You may have found me through my medium.com publication The Infinite Universe. If you haven’t read my articles there, go ahead and check it out. This blog is for less formal writing, personal observations, and anecdotes. It is also where you can find links to my books such as The Infinite Universe.

A little bit about me: professionally I work for Georgia Tech. I am a research faculty (meaning I don’t teach normally). I have the rank of Principal Research Scientist which is more or less equivalent to being a full professor on the academic side. My background is in physics and mathematics but my day to day research job is in sensors (primarily radar), which is a physics and mathematics rich subject.

This isn’t my first blog but my past ones were more like personal journals. This one is intended for you, the reader, to explore topics in physics, mathematics, religion, politics, psychology, and whatever strikes your fancy.

A note on contacting me: I prefer email. You can also tweet at me if you have something short to say. I generally don’t respond to comments on posts or articles, though I often read them, because the format isn’t a good place to have a conversation. Please don’t be offended if I don’t respond.

9 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi Tim,

    I’ve enjoyed your articles on Medium. Here is my speculation on the meaning of quantum theory.

    A particle’s wave function describes where it is in a quantum (or probability) dimension (which could be one of the 10-11 dimensions of M Theory). Just as with the other dimensions of space and time, the quantum dimension is (nearly?) infinite in all directions. This dimension would have a separate “slice” for all possible interactions of all particles at each point on their wave functions. Some of these slices may be very similar to the ones we live in; others may contain Boltzman brains. have different laws of physics or fundamental constants, etc. The infinite multiverse would contain all possible universes.

    When we make a measurement, we are in effect picking one slice in this dimension. Thus all entangled particles would need to correspond to this slice. There is no spooky action at a distance; the measurement simply defines the slice that we see for all particles. Within that slice, the speed of light still limits the flow of information.

    The quantum dimension might also explain dark matter. If gravitons can travel across the quantum dimension, then dark matter may simply be the effect of matter in different slices on the matter in our slice.

    We don’t see this other dimension because we evolved to survive and reproduce, and we didn’t need to perceive this dimension to do that. But, we can now glimpse it with quantum theory.

    Anyway, I’d appreciate your thoughts on this, and any reading you might suggest that explore this concept


    Bob Jones


      1. Thanks, I read it and was glad to hear this idea was shared by others,

        Would you consider this a Many Worlds interpretation? I don’t think reality splits every time there is a measurement. Instead, all realities exist simultaneously and measurements simply establish the observer’s position in the quantum dimension. That is, just as a single observer can only occupy a single position in spacetime, the observer (and everything else) can only be in one position in the quantum dimension. This seems different than descriptions I’ve heard of MW (reality split) and is also more consistent with string/M theory (multiple dimensions). I’m surprised it is not more widely discussed in these terms.

        Do you have any other suggestions for reading up on this interpretation?

        Thanks, and keep up the good work.


      2. It can be considered a limited many worlds interpretation except that because it represents the universe as having an equilibrium flow in that 5th dimension (at least in imaginary time) you could interpret it as a single world that does not have a fixed past. Of course, that would lead to the shocking and perhaps unbelievable conclusion that the past can change. Potentially, however, decoherence would prevent that from occurring, causing events to become “pinned” in place by their interference with macroscopic objects.


      3. I would interpret it as a universe with infinitely many fixed pasts and futures (all along the probability dimension), but with observers like us who only wander in a very tiny region of all of those dimensions (space, time, and probability). We observed a single past in the probability dimension, which therefore remains fixed for us. Decoherence is simply observing a single point in the multidimensional reality. Coherence is the ability to maintain quantum connections across this dimension before measurement/observation. Totally speculative, of course, but fun to think about.


  2. You wrote that you prefer to be contacted by email, but the email address does not appear here. I would be very grateful if you would write your email address, because I would like to ask you an important question.


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